The best way to greet your retail clients is to create excellent lasting impressions. It’s a modest investment you can make to enhance the client experience and yield serious outcomes. One study indicates that over half of shoppers will go back to your store because they have previously had “superior customer service.” If you’re looking for examples and techniques about how to greet clients in retail, continue reading. We’ve put together a few of the greetings and follow up questions you and partners should try when interacting with shoppers.
Sales greeting techniques and why they are essential:
Lack of recognition from retail staff is one of shoppers’ top three most significant complaints about shopping. The address is the first impression that clients get of your brand, at least as it pertains to that particular in-person experience. This greeting should set the stage for the experience that your client is going to have. Vary your greeting techniques rather than speaking from a script each time. Each customer would like to listen to their personalised greeting, and when everybody who walks in after them is greeted the same, it becomes neutral. Small talk greetings and questions must encourage two-way conversation. Avoid yes or no questions as they could quickly lead to dead ends.
These follow-up questions should be natural conversation progressions:
- How would you hear about us?
- Did you see the game last night?
- What is your day going?
You have already created the first relationship with a client. Now, it is about nurturing that relationship. Prove to your returning clients more than simply that you remember them — show them that you are getting to know them.
- What brings you in to see us again?
- It is great to see you again.
- Can you have a great weekend?
- Coming in for a different ___ (insert their prior purchase)?
Establishing commonalities with clients through your sales staff provides your clients with something to contact. A mutual value, perception or voice can make your brand relatable and exude confidence.
Examples of statements and questions to state to in-store shoppers
- I enjoy your ___ (shoes, scarf, jacket, hairstyle, lipstick, etc.)
- Wow, how are you browsing that traffic?
- Are you managing to remain dry with this rain!?
- Are you enjoying all of the sunshine we have been having?
Hints on commonality:
1. Be specific: Instead of asking’how about this weather?’ “You can show true involvement,”
2. Be personal: Invite sales partners to share a little about themselves, through the lens of your brand.
3. Be authentic: Consumers may sniff out inauthenticity in an instant. Customer-associate interactions must be authentic to both the brand and your employees.
4. Be positive: Each interaction ought to be positive.
Orientation is welcoming and familiarising clients to the room in your store. These kinds of interactions direct clients to what they want and help them feel comfortable while shopping. Occasionally, customers will let you know precisely what they want. If that’s the situation, the orientation is more straightforward; guide those people to get exactly where they would like to go.
Examples of orientation answers for the”I am just looking” client:
- Check-in with this particular client, with things such as:
- Would you prefer a basket?
- Could I free up your own hands?
- How about I start a fitting room for you as you keep on looking around?
In conclusion: Implementing effective sales greeting techniques is a straightforward approach to effectively greet and socialise with clients is to place yourself in their shoes. Authentic, real interactions will nearly always win over sales practices.