5 Examples of Superior Customer Support in Retail (and How to Apply It to Your Store)

5 Examples of Superior Customer Support in Retail (and How to Apply It to Your Store)

While there are lots of things that may impact the in-store experience (e.g. products, prices, shop environment, etc.) customer support is going to be among the best factors that affect how shoppers perceive your brand. And here is the excellent news: when it comes to customer service, you are in the driver’s seat.   You might not be able to influence the weather or restrain your competitors, but the level of service that you provide is entirely in your control. Fantastic customer service means meeting your clients’ needs in a timely, efficient, and enjoyable manner. Customer service can mean a lot of things, depending upon the surroundings.  In retail, it might entail directing shoppers to the right part of the store or helping them with a product issue.

What are some examples of excellent customer support? 

  1. The shop owner who recalls — and enjoys — repeat clients. 

Make surprising and enjoyable elements vital to your customer support and retention strategies.  Repeat customers are the best kinds of shoppers to possess, and they are very appreciative of retailers that recall them. So, make it a point to allow your regular customers to know that you are thankful for their purchases. 

  1. The merchant who makes an effort to upsell and instruct customers.

Believe upselling is sleazy or weak for customer support?  Not if you do it correctly. If you have the time to educate customers before they buy and tailor your recommendations for their requirements, I guarantee that the shopper will leave happy. 

Train your employees to upsell and cross-sell — start by encouraging them to listen to every customer and determine any possible needs or wants they might have.  Ensure they instruct shoppers — Upselling or cross-selling shouldn’t only be about pushing products. See that shoppers know the advantages of the products you’re pitching and why they ought to buy it.  

  1. First Impressions Matter

Terrific customer service begins the moment people walk through your doors. Make a remarkable first impression by inventing an active greeting for your clients. Tailor your welcome and catch the chance to serve and get to know them better. Craft your hospitality in this manner so that each customer feels special.

  1. Go above and beyond

Is a customer looking down a bit? See if you’re able to cheer them up. Sometimes, this may be as simple as smiling at them and giving them a genuine compliment. Other times, you can crack a joke or tell a story to cheer them up. The perfect approach varies from one client to another, so get creative with your approach

Keep a lookout for customers that aren’t getting the best day — As long as they are not rude or obnoxious, find a way to cheer them up.

  1. The merchant who finds a way around sold out stock

While the best way to take care of out-of-stocks is to avoid them altogether, it is possible to turn into an unpleasant situation to a positive one with the ideal customer service. Have a backup plan for stock-outs — if a client asks you about an inaccessible product, be sure that you have a much better answer than “Sorry”. Always be prepared to recommend substitutes so that you don’t lose out on the sale.

Final words

Customer service is more than significant ever. We are doing business in an environment where customers have more options than ever before. The best way to treat them is a huge differentiating factor, and it might turn indifferent shoppers into raving fans.

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